Sonatype Nexus
Build smarter. Fix faster. Be secure.
Open source governance and policy management.

Sonatype’s Nexus product’s allow customers to develop at scale, safely.
Nexus Lifecycle | Continuously analyze quality and security
- Make it easy for developers to get detailed information about component usage right with their favourite tools
- Create policy rules to manage component usage
- Allow flexibility – developers can test out components, but the development pipeline can prevent components with vulnerabilities going through to build or deployment

Nexus Firewall | Prevent the use of risky components
- Enforce policies around component usage
- Quarantine suspect components
- Keep production applications safe

Nexus Auditor | Audit the safety of open source components that your software depends on
- Unpacks components to produce a “bill of materials” report
- View information concerning security, licensing and quality
- Monitor applications to check for newly-found issues with existing components

Nexus Repository | Manage binaries and artifacts for builds and releases
- Make sure that you always possess the binaries that a build relies upon
- Manage binary artifacts in one central location
- All popular formats are supported: Maven/Java, npm, NuGet, RubyGems, Docker, P2, OBR, APT and YUM and more.
- A free version is available – the Nexus Repository OSS

Why buy through BDQ?
We are a UK Sonatype Partner with certified technical staff, and we can supply software and services to the UK public sector via G-Cloud 13. We have large public sector customers and can supply with standard VAT invoicing on NET30 terms, in GBP or USD as required. Please get in contact for more information.
BDQ | Sonatype G-Cloud 13 →
If you wish to have the Sonatype technology hosted, we can do this in the AWS region of your choice.