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Lightning Implementations
For people who know what they want, and want it done fast
Enhancement Hours
Get best practice and configuration consultancy.
Review and Assessment
A low cost, low risk way to get the assistance you need.
Digital Adoption Services
Make sure software is being used consistently across teams.
PII Services
Our solution to help you find unauthorised data.
DevOps Services
Get great, high quality software shipped faster. Faster.
Test Automation & Management
Reduce costs and increase quality with automation.

    Atlassian Solutions

    Atlassian Enterprise
    Jira Work Management
    work management for technical & non-technical teams.
    Cloud Migration Services
    Quicker and more cost effective than doing it in house.
    Jira Service Management / ITSM
    Fast, painless, fixed price ITSM implementations.
    BDQ AtlassianCare
    Cost effective, flexible care options.
    Other Atlassian Services
    Maximise the potential of your Atlassian products.

      Other Solutions

      Complete MANAGEMENT software for legal practitioners.
      Asana Digital Work Management
      A simple, flexible way to manage work for business.


      Expert consulting and managed services to help complex organisations to work flatter, faster and more dynamically.

      To find out more detail on a Solution or how we implement it, check out our Solutions Home page.

        Partner Products









          BDQ partners with the best work management solution providers to offer a range of software options to solve any problems you may have. And where a solution doesn't exist, we create one with our BDQ Original apps and add-ons.



          bdq-cred-reseller-600x600Fulfil your software product needs through BDQ and enjoy all the benefits we offer as Value Added Resellers



            BDQ provides high-quality technology training to customers in the UK, EU and US.

            Our customers range from small companies to non-profits to multinational enterprises. They all want to maximise employee productivity.

            We listen to what our customers want to achieve and tailor the syllabus accordingly when delivering courses.

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              About Us

              This is where you can find out all about BDQ. Where did we come from, what is our goal, what do our customers have to say about working with us? You'll find all those answers and more using the links here.

              However, if you have any questions that you haven't found answers for, feel free to get in touch.


                1 min read

                BDQ YouTube Channel

                As you may have seen, we recently published a couple of short videos. The first was an Introduction to DataQA® starring Chris and one that I did called Reports Overview. We have just posted these videos to YouTube and can be found on our new Business Data Quality Channel.


                I suppose the first question that someone might have is why did we do these videos? Answering honestly, it was a bit of an experiment to see how much they would cost to do, how easily we could do them, and how effectively they helped us explain how DataQA can find problems in data 10-20 times faster than other approaches.

                Taking each of those questions in turn, the answers turned out to be they did not cost a great deal, they were pretty easy to do once we learned about some of the basics and as to how effective they are is currently an open question but one thing that we can say is that the amount of traffic that it generated on our site has been reasonable.

                We have considered doing these kind of short introductory videos for a while and I must admit we have always been put off by the idea that it would take a large amount of money to do it to a reasonably professional level. The DIY option seemed a long way out of our reach until we stumbled on the Wistia Learning CenterWistia are a video hosting service for business users and they provide very detailed and engaging resources about how to get started creating videos.

                While Martin Scorsese, Ridley Scott and Steven Spielberg don’t have much to fear from us, we do think that they have come out reasonably well. If you missed them earlier, please take a look and let us know what you think in the comments below or by email to We are very keen to hear about anything that you think could be improved or any suggestions for future videos.